Inauguration of VAHAN – SARATHI in RTO Trivandrum

Hon. Minister for Transport Shri. A. K Sasindran inaugurated the commencement of VAHAN & SARATHI implementation in Kerala on 27/02/2019, in a function held at RTO Thiruvananthapuram. The function was presided by Hon. Member of Parliament Sri. Sasi Tarur.
VAHAN-SARATHI is aimed to enable single point of presence for online RT office services in the State through the official website ( which ensures the transparency and faster accountability. By the introduction of VAHAN & SARATHI, the client server application presently being used in Kerala for the vehicle and license related services will migrate completely to the new web based system in all the offices. Initially, VAHAN has been implemented for the new vehicle registration and other vehicle related e-services for the newly registering vehicles and SARATHI has been implemented for the issuance of new driving licenses and other license related e-services for the newly issuing driving licenses.
As a token of appreciation to NIC, Hon Minister for Transport handed over a memento to the NIC team for the implementation of VAHAN & SARATHI project in Kerala. Memento was received from the Hon.Minister by the NIC Team comprising of Shri. M Asir Edwin,STD, Project manager, Shri. B V Reddy, STD, Project leader Sarathi Project, Smt. Sreekala VS, TD, Shri. SSV Rao, TD,Kerala co-coordinator, Sarathi project, Shri. Pradeepsingh, PSA and Smt. Deepa Abrham PSA.